Walter Scott - Willamette Valley, Oregon



Some people nestle into their life calling and make it look easy. But of course it's not. Dedication, perseverance, passion, sacrifice, panic attacks and probably enough 4am night sweats to drown an elephant are all part of the process. It just seems so natural when the shoe fits, and that's exactly how we feel about the dynamic duo of Walter Scott Wines, Ken Pahlow and Erica Landon. 

Fate clearly brought these two together - Ken for years being one of Portland's most knowledgeable and well-respected veteran wine reps, and Erica a star sommelier and prominent wine educator and mentor for many students who have gone on to build their own bright wine careers. In 2008 Erica convinced Ken to take the plunge into his ultimate dream of starting his own winery after years of helping make wine in some of Oregon's most noteworthy cellars. By 2009 they had established fruit contracts with some of their favorite vineyards and Walter Scott, named in honor of two of Ken's inspirational family members, was up and running. 

As a winemaker and Burgundy fanatic, Ken has a clear vision of what he hopes to achieve and he manages to do so beautifully, free of dogma or manipulation. Their carefully selected vineyard sources are a top priority, and they express deep respect for their vineyard partners and the crucial work performed in the vineyards throughout the year (much of it done by their own hands). The Eola-Amity Hills became a magnet for their preferences and most of the vineyards they work with, as well as their winery (on property leased from the wonderful pioneering wine family at Bethel Heights), are located there.

We've spent many hours with Ken and Erica throughout the years and their different roles in the local wine industry. We know that they know great wine, and they've proved they know how to make it too. This was clear from the beginning, and while we've loved their wines since the inaugural vintage, they are better and better all the time. The pure beauty, elegance and practice of restraint (no heavy handed oak or flabby fruit), expression (clear view of the fruit sources), overall consistency and sheer value for the quality of each wine has made them one of Oregon's most standout wineries. Because they are so good across the board and each of the Walter Scott wines have their own story to tell, it's difficult to single out favorites. That said, below is our selection of wines that represent much of what we love most about this special winery.

When in stock, wines from this producer appear below. Click on each wine for more detail.